Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count

Have you noticed fewer birds at your feeder? Are numbers of common eiders really down or have bald eagles increased?  You are invited to participate in the Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 28. The count is part of the 120th Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Data from thousands of counts throughout the hemisphere are collated in a database used to assess the health of bird populations and their environment.


The local count, organized by the Downeast Audubon Chapter and Island Heritage Trust, is conducted on a circle 15 miles in diameter centered on the Monument at the intersection of Quacco Rd and Route 15. A dozen teams cover Deer Isle and parts of Blue Hill, Sedgwick, and Brooksville. Regardless of age or experience, interested persons are invited to join one of the teams of observers, and anyone with a bird feeder may submit a feeder count made from the comfort of their home For detailed instructions for the feeder count or if you would like to join a team in the field, for Deer Isle contact Ken Crowell at (348-6065, 7:00-9:00 AM. 4:00-7:00 PM.